Promoting a Company: Some Tips for the Unwary

Before a corporation or limited liability company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “company”) is formed, there have often already been numerous steps taken by those seeking to establish and incorporate the company. However, those taking these steps, often referred to as the promoters, must be careful that they do not incur liability that they […]

Law Firms’ Priorities and Loyalties

As you may have seen in the news this past week, a law firm recently distributed a memorandum to its attorneys regarding its priorities concerning clients. Essentially, it mandated that they must sever relationships with their “small clients” that pay less than $20,000.00 per year. Meanwhile, at The Law Office of Mark F. Mueller, LLC, […]

Proactively Protecting Your Business In Uncertain Times

As you probably already know, the current business climate is quite unpredictable. Many people – especially business owners whose families and whose employees’ families depend on their success and viability – often feel quite helpless in these situations. In an effort to help you take some control in these uncertain economic times, following are some […]